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Target Rate Sensor(s)#

After you've configured your core details, you'll be able to configure target rate sensors. These are configured by adding subsequent instances of the integration going through the normal flow.

These sensors calculate the lowest continuous or intermittent rates within a 24 hour period and turn on when these periods are active.

These sensors can then be used in automations to turn on/off devices that save the planet from additional carbon. You can go through this flow as many times as you need target rate sensors.

Each sensor will be in the form binary_sensor.carbon_intensity_target_{{TARGET_RATE_NAME}}.


Target Timeframe#

If you're wanting your devices to come on during a certain timeframe, for example while you're at work, you can set the minimum and/or maximum times for your target rate sensor. These are specified in 24 hour clock format and will attempt to find the optimum discovered period during these times.

The from/start time can be set in the field The minimum time to start the device and the to/end time can be set in the field The maximum time to stop the device.

If not specified, these default from 00:00 to 00:00 the following day.

If for example you want to look at prices overnight you could set the minimum time to something like 20:00 and your maximum time to something like 05:00. If the minimum time is "before" the maximum time, then it will treat the maximum time as the time for the following day.


The target rate will not be evaluated until all rates are available for the specified timeframe. Therefore if we're looking between 00:00 and 00:00, full rate information must exist between this time. Whereas if times are between 10:00 and 16:00, then rate information is only needed between these times before it can be calculated.


The hours that you require for the sensor to find. This should be in decimal format and represent 30 minute increments. For example 30 minutes would be 0.5, 1 hour would be 1 or 1.0, 1 hour and 30 minutes would be 1.5, etc.


You may want your target rate sensors to turn on a period of time before the optimum discovered period. For example, you may be turning on a robot vacuum cleaner for a 30 minute clean and want it to charge during the optimum period. For this, you'd use the offset field and set it to -00:30:00, which can be both positive and negative and go up to a maximum of 24 hours. This will shift when the sensor turns on relative to the optimum period. For example, if the optimum period is between 2023-01-18T10:00 and 2023-01-18T11:00 with an offset of -00:30:00, the sensor will turn on between 2023-01-18T09:30 and 2023-01-18T10:30.

Rolling Target#

Depending on how you're going to use the sensor, you might want the best period to be found throughout the day so it's always available. For example, you might be using the sensor to turn on a washing machine which you might want to come on at the best time regardless of when you use the washing machine. This can result in the sensor coming on more than the target hours, and therefore should be used in conjuction with other sensors. You can activate this behaviour by setting the Re-evaluate multiple times a day checkbox.


Using this can result in the sensor coming on more than the target hours, and therefore should be used in conjunction with other sensors.

However, you might also only want the target time to occur once a day so once the best time for that day has passed it won't turn on again. For example, you might be using the sensor to turn on something that isn't time critical and could wait till the next day like a charger. This is the default behaviour and is done by not setting the Re-evaluate multiple times a day checkbox.


The next set of target times will not be calculated until all target times are in the past. This will have an effect on the next set of attributes on the sensor.

Latest Period#

Depending on how you're going to use the sensor, you might want the best period at the latest possible time. For example, you might be using the sensor to turn on an immersion heater which you'll want to come on at the end of the cheapest found period.

For instance if you turn this on and the cheapest period is between 2023-01-01T00:30 and 2023-01-01T05:00 and your target rate is for 1 hour, then it will come on between 2023-01-01T04:00 and 2023-01-01T05:00 instead of 2023-01-01T00:30 and 2023-01-01T01:30.

This feature is toggled on by the Find last applicable rates checkbox.

Maximum Intensity#

There may be times that you want the target rate sensors to not take into account intensity rates that are above a certain value (e.g. you don't want the sensor to turn on when carbon intensity is crazy).


The following attributes are available on each sensor

Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the sensor.
hours string The total hours are being discovered.
type string The type/mode for the target rate sensor. This will be either continuous or intermittent.
rolling_target boolean Determines if Re-evaluate multiple times a day is turned on for the sensor.
last_rates boolean Determines if Find last applicable rates is turned off for the sensor.
offset string The offset configured for the sensor.
start_time string The start time configured for the sensor.
end_time string The end time configured for the sensor.
rates_incomplete boolean True if rate information is incomplete and therefore target times cannot be calculated; False otherwise.
target_times array The discovered times and rates the sensor will come on for.
overall_average_intensity float The average intensity of all discovered times during the current 24 hour period.
overall_min_intensity float The minimum intensity of all discovered times during the current 24 hour period.
overall_max_intensity float The maximum intensity of all discovered times during the current 24 hour period.
current_duration_in_hours float The duration the sensor will be on for, for the current continuous discovered period. For continuous sensors, this will be the entire period. For intermittent sensors, this could be the entire period or a portion of it, depending on the discovered times. This could be none/unknown if the sensor is not currently in a discovered period.
current_average_intensity float The average intensity for the current continuous discovered period. This could be none/unknown if the sensor is not currently in a discovered period.
current_min_intensity float The min intensity for the current continuous discovered period. This could be none/unknown if the sensor is not currently in a discovered period.
current_max_intensity float The max intensity for the current continuous discovered period. This could be none/unknown if the sensor is not currently in a discovered period.
next_time datetime The next date/time the sensor will come on. This will only be populated if target_times has been calculated and at least one period/block is in the future.
next_duration_in_hours float The duration the sensor will be on for, for the next continuous discovered period. For continuous sensors, this will be the entire period. For intermittent sensors, this could be the entire period or a portion of it, depending on the discovered times. This will only be populated if target_times has been calculated and at least one period/block is in the future.
next_average_intensity float The average intensity for the next continuous discovered period. For continuous sensors, this will be the entire period. For intermittent sensors, this could be the entire period or a portion of it, depending on the discovered times. This will only be populated if target_times has been calculated and at least one period/block is in the future.
next_min_intensity float The average intensity for the next continuous discovered period. This will only be populated if target_times has been calculated and at least one period/block is in the future.
next_max_intensity float The average intensity for the next continuous discovered period. This will only be populated if target_times has been calculated and at least one period/block is in the future.
target_times_last_evaluated datetime The datetime the target times collection was last evaluated. This will occur if all previous target times are in the past and all rates are available for the requested future time period. For example, if you are targeting 16:00 (day 1) to 16:00 (day 2), and you only have rates up to 23:00 (day 1), then the target rates won't be calculated.
last_evaluated datetime The datetime the state of the sensor was last evaluated based on the current specified target times. This should update every minute

For each target time, you will get the following attributes

Attribute Type Description
from string The time the target time starts.
to string The time the target time ends.
intensity_forecast integer The forecasted/estimated carbon intensity for the period of time. The higher the number, the more carbon.
generation_mix list The splits between the different fuel sources.

For each generation mix, you will get the following attributes

Attribute Type Description
fuel string The type of fuel
perc float The estimated percentage the fuel source makes up in the mix.


There are services available associated with target rate sensors. Please review them in the services doc.


Lets look at a few examples. Lets say we have the the following (unrealistic) set of intensity values.

start end value
2023-01-01T00:00 2023-01-01T00:30 6
2023-01-01T00:30 2023-01-01T05:00 12
2023-01-01T05:00 2023-01-01T05:30 7
2023-01-01T05:30 2023-01-01T18:00 20
2023-01-01T18:00 2023-01-01T23:30 34
2023-01-01T23:30 2023-01-02T00:30 5
2023-01-02T00:30 2023-01-02T05:00 12
2023-01-02T05:00 2023-01-02T05:30 7
2023-01-02T05:30 2023-01-02T18:00 20
2023-01-02T18:00 2023-01-02T23:00 34
2023-01-02T23:30 2023-01-03T00:00 6


If we look at a continuous sensor that we want on for 1 hour.

If we set no from/to times, then our 24 hour period being looked at ranges from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.

The following table shows what this would be like.

current date/time period Re-evaluate multiple times a day reasoning
2023-01-01T00:00 2023-01-01T00:00 - 2023-01-01T01:00 false while 5 is our lowest rate within the current 24 hour period, it doesn't cover our whole 1 hour and is next to a high 34 rate. A rate of 6 is the next available rate with a low following rate.
2023-01-01T01:00 2023-01-02T00:00 - 2023-01-02T01:00 false Our lowest period is in the past, so we have to wait until our target period has passed to look at the next evaluation period.
2023-01-01T01:00 2023-01-01T04:30 - 2023-01-01T05:30 true The rate of 6 is in the past, so 7 is our next lowest rate. 12 is smaller rate than 20 so we start in the rate period before to fill our desired hour.
2023-01-01T23:30 None true There is no longer enough time available in the current 24 hour period, so we have to wait until our target period has passed to look at the next evaluation period.

If we set our from/to times for 05:00 to 19:00, we then limit the period that we look at. The following table shows what this would be like.

current date/time period Re-evaluate multiple times a day reasoning
2023-01-01T00:00 2023-01-01T05:00 - 2023-01-01T06:00 false The rate of 12 is no longer available as it's outside of our from time.
2023-01-01T06:30 2023-01-02T05:00 - 2023-01-02T06:00 false Our lowest period is in the past, so we have to wait until our target period has passed to look at the next evaluation period.
2023-01-01T06:30 2023-01-01T06:30 - 2023-01-01T07:30 true The rate of 7 is in the past, so we must look for the next lowest combined rate
2023-01-01T18:00 2023-01-01T18:00 - 2023-01-01T19:00 true The rate of 20 is in the past, so we must look for the next lowest combined rate which is 34
2023-01-01T18:30 None true There is no longer enough time available within our restricted time, so we have to wait until our target period has passed to look at the next evaluation period.

If we set our from/to times to look over two days, from 20:00 to 06:00, we then limit the period that we look at to overnight. The following table shows what this would be like.

current date/time period Re-evaluate multiple times a day reasoning
2023-01-01T20:00 2023-01-01T23:30 - 2023-01-02T01:30 false Our lowest rate of 5 now falls between our overnight time period so is available
2023-01-02T02:00 2023-01-01T23:30 - 2023-01-02T01:30 false Our lowest period is in the past, so we have to wait until our target period has passed to look at the next evaluation period.
2023-01-02T02:00 2023-01-02T04:30 - 2023-01-02T05:30 true The rate of 5 is in the past, so we must look for the next lowest combined rate, which includes our half hour rate at 7
2023-01-02T05:30 None true There is no longer enough time available within our restricted time, so we have to wait until our target period has passed to look at the next evaluation period.

If we set an offset of -00:30:00, then while the times might be the same, the target rate sensor will turn on 30 minutes before the select rate period starts. Any set time restrictions will not include the offset.


If we look at an intermittent sensor that we want on for 1 hour total (but not necessarily together).

If we set no from/to times, then our 24 hour period being looked at ranges from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.

The following table shows what this would be like.

current date/time period Re-evaluate multiple times a day reasoning
2023-01-01T00:00 2023-01-01T00:00 - 2023-01-01T00:30, 2023-01-01T23:30 - 2023-01-02T00:00 false Our sensor will go on for 30 minutes at the lowest intensity, then 30 minutes at the next lowest intensity.
2023-01-01T01:00 2023-01-01T00:00 - 2023-01-01T00:30, 2023-01-01T23:30 - 2023-01-02T00:00 false Our sensor will go on for 30 minutes at the lowest intensity, which will be in the past, then 30 minutes at the next lowest intensity.
2023-01-01T01:00 2023-01-01T05:00 - 2023-01-01T05:30, 2023-01-01T23:30 - 2023-01-02T00:00 true Our sensor will go on for 30 minutes at the second lowest intensity, then 30 minutes at the third lowest intensity.
2023-01-01T23:30 None true There is no longer enough time available in the current 24 hour period, so we have to wait until our target period has passed to look at the next evaluation period.

If we set our from/to times for 05:00 to 19:00, we then limit the period that we look at. The following table shows what this would be like.

current date/time period Re-evaluate multiple times a day reasoning
2023-01-01T00:00 2023-01-01T05:00 - 2023-01-01T05:30, 2023-01-01T05:30 - 2023-01-01T06:00 false Our lowest intensities are outside our target range, so we need to look at the next cheapest. Luckily on our scenario the two lowest intensities are next to each other.
2023-01-01T06:30 2023-01-01T05:00 - 2023-01-01T05:30, 2023-01-01T05:30 - 2023-01-01T06:00 false Both of our lowest intensities in the target range are in the past.
2023-01-01T06:30 2023-01-01T06:30 - 2023-01-01T07:00, 2023-01-01T07:00 - 2023-01-01T07:30 true Both of our lowest intensities in the target range are in the past, so we must look for the next lowest combined rate
2023-01-01T18:30 None true There is no longer enough time available within our restricted time, so we have to wait until our target period has passed to look at the next evaluation period.

If we set our from/to times to look over two days, from 20:00 to 06:00, we then limit the period that we look at to overnight. The following table shows what this would be like.

current date/time period Re-evaluate multiple times a day reasoning
2023-01-01T20:00 2023-01-01T23:30 - 2023-01-02T00:30, 2023-01-02T05:00 - 2023-01-02T05:30 false Our lowest rate of 5 now falls between our overnight time period so is available
2023-01-02T02:00 2023-01-01T23:30 - 2023-01-02T00:30, 2023-01-02T05:00 - 2023-01-02T05:30 false Our lowest period is in the past, but we still have a rate in the future so our sensor will only come on once.
2023-01-02T02:00 2023-01-02T02:00 - 2023-01-02T02:30, 2023-01-02T05:00 - 2023-01-02T05:30 true The rate of 5 is in the past, so we must look for the next lowest combined rate, which includes our half hour rate at 7
2023-01-02T05:30 None true There is no longer enough time available within our restricted time, so we have to wait until our target period has passed to look at the next evaluation period.

If we set an offset of -00:30:00, then while the times might be the same, the target rate sensor will turn on 30 minutes before the select rate period starts. Any set time restrictions will not include the offset.