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Diagnostic Entities#

These entities can help diagnose issues.

Account Data Last Retrieved#


This sensor states when account data was last retrieved.


This is disabled by default.

Attribute Type Description
attempts integer The number of attempts that have been made to retrieve the data
next_refresh datetime The timestamp of when the data will next be attempted to be retrieved
last_error string The error that was raised to cause the last retrieval attempt to fail

Current Consumption Data Last Retrieved#

sensor.octopus_energy_electricity_{{METER_SERIAL_NUMBER}}_{{MPAN_NUMBER}}_current_consumption_data_last_retrieved or sensor.octopus_energy_gas_{{METER_SERIAL_NUMBER}}_{{MPRN_NUMBER}}_current_consumption_data_last_retrieved

This sensor states when the home mini current consumption data was last retrieved.


This is disabled by default.

Attribute Type Description
attempts integer The number of attempts that have been made to retrieve the data
next_refresh datetime The timestamp of when the data will next be attempted to be retrieved
last_error string The error that was raised to cause the last retrieval attempt to fail

Current Consumption Home Pro Data Last Retrieved#

sensor.octopus_energy_electricity_{{METER_SERIAL_NUMBER}}_{{MPAN_NUMBER}}_home_pro_current_consumption_data_last_retrieved or sensor.octopus_energy_gas_{{METER_SERIAL_NUMBER}}_{{MPRN_NUMBER}}_home_pro_current_consumption_data_last_retrieved

This sensor states when the home pro current consumption data was last retrieved.


This is disabled by default.

Attribute Type Description
attempts integer The number of attempts that have been made to retrieve the data
next_refresh datetime The timestamp of when the data will next be attempted to be retrieved
last_error string The error that was raised to cause the last retrieval attempt to fail

Greenness Forecast Data Last Retrieved#


This sensor states when greenness forecast data was last retrieved.


This is disabled by default.

Attribute Type Description
attempts integer The number of attempts that have been made to retrieve the data
next_refresh datetime The timestamp of when the data will next be attempted to be retrieved
last_error string The error that was raised to cause the last retrieval attempt to fail

Intelligent Dispatches Data Last Retrieved#


This sensor states when intelligent dispatches data was last retrieved.


This is disabled by default.

Attribute Type Description
attempts integer The number of attempts that have been made to retrieve the data
next_refresh datetime The timestamp of when the data will next be attempted to be retrieved
last_error string The error that was raised to cause the last retrieval attempt to fail

Intelligent Settings Data Last Retrieved#


This sensor states when intelligent settings data was last retrieved.


This is disabled by default.

Attribute Type Description
attempts integer The number of attempts that have been made to retrieve the data
next_refresh datetime The timestamp of when the data will next be attempted to be retrieved
last_error string The error that was raised to cause the last retrieval attempt to fail

Previous Consumption And Rates Data Last Retrieved#

sensor.octopus_energy_electricity_{{METER_SERIAL_NUMBER}}_{{MPAN_NUMBER}}_previous_consumption_and_rates_data_last_retrieved or sensor.octopus_energy_gas_{{METER_SERIAL_NUMBER}}_{{MPRN_NUMBER}}_previous_consumption_and_rates_data_last_retrieved

This sensor states when the previous consumption and associated rate data was last retrieved.


This is disabled by default.

Attribute Type Description
attempts integer The number of attempts that have been made to retrieve the data
next_refresh datetime The timestamp of when the data will next be attempted to be retrieved
last_error string The error that was raised to cause the last retrieval attempt to fail

Rates Data Last Retrieved#

sensor.octopus_energy_electricity_{{METER_SERIAL_NUMBER}}_{{MPAN_NUMBER}}_rates_data_last_retrieved or sensor.octopus_energy_gas_{{METER_SERIAL_NUMBER}}_{{MPRN_NUMBER}}_rates_data_last_retrieved

This sensor states when the previous/current and next rate data was last retrieved.


This is disabled by default.

Attribute Type Description
attempts integer The number of attempts that have been made to retrieve the data
next_refresh datetime The timestamp of when the data will next be attempted to be retrieved
last_error string The error that was raised to cause the last retrieval attempt to fail

Saving Sessions Data Last Retrieved#


This sensor states when saving sessions data was last retrieved.


This is disabled by default.

Attribute Type Description
attempts integer The number of attempts that have been made to retrieve the data
next_refresh datetime The timestamp of when the data will next be attempted to be retrieved
last_error string The error that was raised to cause the last retrieval attempt to fail

Free Electricity Sessions Data Last Retrieved#


This sensor states when free electricity sessions data was last retrieved.


This is disabled by default.

Attribute Type Description
attempts integer The number of attempts that have been made to retrieve the data
next_refresh datetime The timestamp of when the data will next be attempted to be retrieved
last_error string The error that was raised to cause the last retrieval attempt to fail

Standing Charge Data Last Retrieved#

sensor.octopus_energy_electricity_{{METER_SERIAL_NUMBER}}_{{MPAN_NUMBER}}_standing_charge_data_last_retrieved or sensor.octopus_energy_gas_{{METER_SERIAL_NUMBER}}_{{MPRN_NUMBER}}_standing_charge_data_last_retrieved

This sensor states when the standing charge data was last retrieved.


This is disabled by default.

Attribute Type Description
attempts integer The number of attempts that have been made to retrieve the data
next_refresh datetime The timestamp of when the data will next be attempted to be retrieved
last_error string The error that was raised to cause the last retrieval attempt to fail

Wheel Of Fortune Data Last Retrieved#


This sensor states when wheel of fortune data was last retrieved.


This is disabled by default.

Attribute Type Description
attempts integer The number of attempts that have been made to retrieve the data
next_refresh datetime The timestamp of when the data will next be attempted to be retrieved
last_error string The error that was raised to cause the last retrieval attempt to fail

Heat Pump Data Last Retrieved#


This sensor states when heat pump data was last retrieved.


This is disabled by default.

Attribute Type Description
attempts integer The number of attempts that have been made to retrieve the data
next_refresh datetime The timestamp of when the data will next be attempted to be retrieved
last_error string The error that was raised to cause the last retrieval attempt to fail