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You'll get the following entities for each electricity meter with an active agreement.

Current Rate#


The current rate that energy consumption is charged at (including VAT).

This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01).


If you are on an intelligent tariff, then rate information will be adjusted to off-peak rates when a dispatch is discovered during the period. This off peak rate will be dependent on your car charging. As the integration has no knowledge of if your car is charging, this value might be incorrect. This is indicated via the is_intelligent_adjusted attribute.

Attribute Type Description
mpan string The mpan for the associated meter
serial_number string The serial for the associated meter
is_export boolean Determines if the meter exports energy rather than imports
is_smart_meter boolean Determines if the meter is considered smart by Octopus Energy
tariff string The tariff the meter/rates are associated with
start datetime The date/time when the rate started
end datetime The date/time when the rate ends
is_capped boolean Indicates if the rate has been capped by a configured price cap
is_intelligent_adjusted boolean Indicates if the rate has been adjusted due to a dispatch organised by an intelligent tariff
current_day_min_rate float The minimum rate available for the current day
current_day_max_rate float The maximum rate available for the current day
current_day_average_rate float The average rate for the current day
price_cap float The price cap that has been configured for the account and is currently applied to all electricity rates

Previous Rate#


The previous rate that energy consumption was charged at (including VAT), that differs from the current rate. If there is no previous rate (e.g. rates before now are of the same value as the current rate), then this will be reported as unknown/none.

This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01).

Attribute Type Description
mpan string The mpan for the associated meter
serial_number string The serial for the associated meter
is_export boolean Determines if the meter exports energy rather than imports
is_smart_meter boolean Determines if the meter is considered smart by Octopus Energy
start datetime The date/time when the previous rate started
end datetime The date/time when the previous rate ended
is_capped boolean Indicates if the rate has been capped by a configured price cap
is_intelligent_adjusted boolean Indicates if the rate has been adjusted due to a dispatch organised by an intelligent tariff

Next rate#


The next/upcoming rate that energy consumption will be charged at (including VAT), that differs from the current rate. If there is no next rate (e.g. rates after now are of the same value as the current rate), then this will be reported as unknown/none.

This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01).


If you are on an intelligent tariff, then rate information will be adjusted to off-peak rates when a dispatch is discovered during the period. This off peak rate will be dependent on your car charging. As the integration has no knowledge of if your car is charging, this value might be incorrect. This is indicated via the is_intelligent_adjusted attribute.

Attribute Type Description
mpan string The mpan for the associated meter
serial_number string The serial for the associated meter
is_export boolean Determines if the meter exports energy rather than imports
is_smart_meter boolean Determines if the meter is considered smart by Octopus Energy
start datetime The date/time when the next rate starts
end datetime The date/time when the next rate ends
is_capped boolean Indicates if the rate has been capped by a configured price cap
is_intelligent_adjusted boolean Indicates if the rate has been adjusted due to a dispatch organised by an intelligent tariff

Current Day Rates#


The state of this sensor states when the current day's rates were last updated. The attributes of this sensor exposes the current day's rates.

Attribute Type Description
rates array The list of rates applicable for the current day
tariff_code string The tariff code associated with current day's rates
serial_number string The serial number of the meter the rates are related to
mpan string The MPAN of the meter the rates are related to

Each rate item has the following attributes

Attribute Type Description
start datetime The date/time when the rate starts
end datetime The date/time when the rate ends
value_inc_vat float The value of the rate including VAT. This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01)
is_capped boolean Indicates if the rate has been capped by a configured price cap
is_intelligent_adjusted boolean Indicates if the rate has been adjusted due to a dispatch organised by an intelligent tariff

Previous Day Rates#


The state of this sensor states when the previous day's rates were last updated. The attributes of this sensor exposes the previous day's rates.

Attribute Type Description
rates array The list of rates applicable for the previous day
tariff_code string The tariff code associated with previous day's rates
serial_number string The serial number of the meter the rates are related to
mpan string The MPAN of the meter the rates are related to

Each rate item has the following attributes

Attribute Type Description
start datetime The date/time when the rate starts
end datetime The date/time when the rate ends
value_inc_vat float The value of the rate including VAT. This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01)
is_capped boolean Indicates if the rate has been capped by a configured price cap
is_intelligent_adjusted boolean Indicates if the rate has been adjusted due to a dispatch organised by an intelligent tariff

Next Day Rates#


The state of this sensor states when the next day's rates were last updated. The attributes of this sensor exposes the next day's rates.

Attribute Type Description
rates array The list of rates applicable for the next day
tariff_code string The tariff code associated with today's rates
serial_number string The serial number of the meter the rates are related to
mpan string The MPAN of the meter the rates are related to

Each rate item has the following attributes

Attribute Type Description
start datetime The date/time when the rate starts
end datetime The date/time when the rate ends
value_inc_vat float The value of the rate including VAT. This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01)
is_capped boolean Indicates if the rate has been capped by a configured price cap
is_intelligent_adjusted boolean Indicates if the rate has been adjusted due to a dispatch organised by an intelligent tariff

Off Peak#


This is on when you're within your tariff's off peak period, and off at all other times. This will only be work if you're on a tariff with an off peak period.


This is disabled by default.


For intelligent tariffs, this sensor will only turn on during the standard off peak period. If you are wanting to know when extended off peak rates are available, you'll want to use the is dispatching sensor.

Attribute Type Description
current_start datetime The date/time when the off peak rate started
current_end datetime The date/time when the off peak rate ends
next_start datetime The date/time when the next off peak rate starts
next_end datetime The date/time when the next off peak rate ends

Smart Meter Entities#

If your account information doesn't determine you have a smart meter, then you will have the following entities in a disabled state. If you enable these entities, they might not work correctly in this scenario.

If you are wishing to use these sensors with the Energy Dashboard, then you can follow this guide.

By default, it's not possible to include current consumption sensors. This is due to Octopus Energy only receive data from the smart meters up to the previous day. If you want current consumption, then you will need a Octopus Home Mini.

Previous Accumulative Consumption#


The total consumption reported by the meter (not other devices e.g. Home Mini) for the previous available full day. If for example data is available up to 01:00 of 2024-09-02, then this sensor will report the cost between 2024-09-01T00:00:00Z and 2024-09-02T00:00:00Z.


This retrieves the data reported directly by the meter which is used to calculate your bill. If you have an Octopus Home Mini (or similar), then data reported by this device will not be exposed in this sensor. This is to avoid confusion when comparing the data against your bill and to provide consistency between users with and without an Octopus Home Mini.


This data won't necessarily be available at the stroke of midnight. This integration has no control of this and is at the mercy of when the data is available by Octopus Energy.

Because this sensor only looks at the last complete day, if the data takes longer than 24 hours to populate then the sensor will not update straight away. You can look at the data_last_retrieved sensor which indicates when the data was last retrieved.

Attribute Type Description
mpan string The mpan for the associated meter
serial_number string The serial for the associated meter
is_export boolean Determines if the meter exports energy rather than imports
is_smart_meter boolean Determines if the meter is considered smart by Octopus Energy
total float The total energy value for the previous day.
charges array Collection of consumption periods for the previous day broken down into 30 minute periods.

Each charge item has the following attributes

Attribute Type Description
start datetime The date/time when the consumption starts
end datetime The date/time when the consumption ends
consumption float The consumption value of the specified period


You can use the data_last_retrieved sensor to determine when the underlying data was last retrieved from the OE servers.


The following variants of the Previous Accumulative Consumption are available.

Off Peak#


The total consumption reported by the meter for the previous available full day during off peak hours (the lowest available rate).


This is only available when on a tariff with 2 or 3 unique rates during a given day.

If you switch to a tariff that meets this criteria, you will need to reload the integration to gain access to this entity.

If you switch to a tariff that no longer meets this criteria, the entity will no longer be updated. When you reload the integration, this entity will no longer be available.

This is disabled by default.



The total consumption reported by the meter for the previous available full day during standard hours (the middle rate).


This is only available when on a tariff with 2 or 3 unique rates during a given day.

If you switch to a tariff that meets this criteria, you will need to reload the integration to gain access to this entity.

If you switch to a tariff that no longer meets this criteria, the entity will no longer be updated. When you reload the integration, this entity will no longer be available.

This is disabled by default.



The total consumption reported by the meter for the previous available full day during peak hours (the highest available rate).


This is only available when on a tariff with 2 or 3 unique rates during a given day.

If you switch to a tariff that meets this criteria, you will need to reload the integration to gain access to this entity.

If you switch to a tariff that no longer meets this criteria, the entity will no longer be updated. When you reload the integration, this entity will no longer be available.

This is disabled by default.

Previous Accumulative Cost#


The total cost for the previous available full day, including the standing charge. If for example data is available up to 01:00 of 2024-09-02, then this sensor will report the cost between 2024-09-01T00:00:00Z and 2024-09-02T00:00:00Z.


This retrieves the data reported directly by the meter which is used to calculate your bill. If you have an Octopus Home Mini (or similar), then data reported by this device will not be exposed in this sensor. This is to avoid confusion when comparing the data against your bill and to provide consistency between users with and without an Octopus Home Mini.


This data won't necessarily be available at the stroke of midnight. This integration has no control of this and is at the mercy of when the data is available by Octopus Energy.

Because this sensor only looks at the last complete day, if the data takes longer than 24 hours to populate then the sensor will not update straight away. You can look at the data_last_retrieved sensor which indicates when the data was last retrieved.

Attribute Type Description
mpan string The mpan for the associated meter
serial_number string The serial for the associated meter
is_export boolean Determines if the meter exports energy rather than imports
is_smart_meter boolean Determines if the meter is considered smart by Octopus Energy
tariff_code string The tariff that determined the cost
standing_charge float The standing charge included in the cost. This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01)
total_without_standing_charge float The total cost of the previous day excluding the standing charge. This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01)
total float The total cost for the previous day. This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01)
charges array Collection of consumption periods and costs for the previous day broken down into 30 minute periods.

Each charge item has the following attributes

Attribute Type Description
start datetime The date/time when the consumption starts
end datetime The date/time when the consumption ends
rate float The rate the consumption is charged at. This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01)
consumption float The consumption value of the specified period
cost float The cost of the consumption at the specified rate. This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01)


You can use the data_last_retrieved sensor to determine when the underlying data was last retrieved from the OE servers.


The following variants of the Previous Accumulative Cost are available.

Off Peak#


The total cost reported by the meter for the previous available full day during off peak hours (the lowest available rate).


This is only available when on a tariff with 2 or 3 unique rates during a given day.

If you switch to a tariff that meets this criteria, you will need to reload the integration to gain access to this entity.

If you switch to a tariff that no longer meets this criteria, the entity will no longer be updated. When you reload the integration, this entity will no longer be available.

This is disabled by default.



The total cost reported by the meter for the previous available full day during standard hours (the middle rate).


This is only available when on a tariff with 2 or 3 unique rates during a given day.

If you switch to a tariff that meets this criteria, you will need to reload the integration to gain access to this entity.

If you switch to a tariff that no longer meets this criteria, the entity will no longer be updated. When you reload the integration, this entity will no longer be available.

This is disabled by default.



The total cost reported by the meter for the previous available full day during peak hours (the highest available rate).


This is only available when on a tariff with 2 or 3 unique rates during a given day.

If you switch to a tariff that meets this criteria, you will need to reload the integration to gain access to this entity.

If you switch to a tariff that no longer meets this criteria, the entity will no longer be updated. When you reload the integration, this entity will no longer be available.

This is disabled by default.

Previous Consumption Day Rates#


The state of this sensor states when the previous consumption's rates were last updated. This is typically the same as the previous available full day's rates, but could differ depending on available data. The attributes of this sensor exposes the previous consumption's rates.


This is disabled by default.

Attribute Type Description
rates array The list of rates applicable for the previous consumption
tariff_code string The tariff code associated with previous consumption's rates

Each rate item has the following attributes

Attribute Type Description
start datetime The date/time when the rate starts
end datetime The date/time when the rate ends
value_inc_vat float The value of the rate including VAT. This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01)
is_capped boolean Indicates if the rate has been capped by a configured price cap
is_intelligent_adjusted boolean Indicates if the rate has been adjusted due to a dispatch organised by an intelligent tariff

Export Entities#

If you export energy, then unless specified otherwise, in addition you'll gain the above entities with the name export present. E.g. sensor.octopus_energy_electricity_{{METER_SERIAL_NUMBER}}_{{MPAN_NUMBER}}_export_current_rate.

Home Mini/Pro Entities#

Current Consumption#



This will only be available if you have specified you have an Octopus Home Mini. Do not set unless you have one.


An export equivalent of this sensor does not exist because the data is not available


This is disabled by default.

The delta of the accumulative electricity consumption since the last update (e.g. if the previous accumulative consumption update reported 1kWh and the current accumulative consumption update reported 1.1kWh, then this sensor will report 0.1kWh). The time period the data for this sensor represents will depend on the frequency the underlying data is retrieved. If the data takes longer to refresh, then the time period of this sensor will be extended.

This is a legacy sensor which was been built to see the accumulation within the energy dashboard. This may be removed in the future.

It has been noticed that daily consumption reported in Home Assistant can differ to when looking at past data within Octopus Energy. It looks like this is because Octopus Energy will favour "official" data from your smart meter over the data they collect.

If current consumption data is unable to be retrieved, then the integration will attempt to retrieve missing data. This will be done for the current day only. This is due to it sharing the same data for the accumulation sensors and will not be changed.


You can use the data_last_retrieved sensor to determine when the underlying data was last retrieved from the OE servers.

Current Demand#



This will only be available if you have specified you have an Octopus Home Mini or have configured an Octopus Home Pro. Do not set unless you have one.

The current demand reported by the Home Mini/Pro. This will try and update every minute for Home Mini and every 10 seconds for Home Pro.


You can use the Home Mini data_last_retrieved sensor or Home Pro data_last_retrieved sensor to determine when the underlying data was last retrieved from the OE servers.

Current Accumulative Consumption#



This will only be available if you have specified you have an Octopus Home Mini. Do not set unless you have one.


An export equivalent of this sensor does not exist because the data is not available

The total consumption reported by the meter for the current day.

Attribute Type Description
mpan string The mpan for the associated meter
serial_number string The serial for the associated meter
is_export boolean Determines if the meter exports energy rather than imports
is_smart_meter boolean Determines if the meter is considered smart by Octopus Energy
total float The total energy value for the previous day
charges array Collection of consumption periods for the previous day broken down into 30 minute periods.

Each charge item has the following attributes

Attribute Type Description
start datetime The date/time when the consumption starts
end datetime The date/time when the consumption ends
consumption float The consumption value of the specified period

Current Total Consumption#



This will only be available if you have specified you have an Octopus Home Mini or have configured an Octopus Home Pro. Do not set unless you have one.


An export equivalent of this sensor does not exist because the data is not available

The total consumption reported by the meter for all time. This will try and update every minute for Home Mini and every 10 seconds for Home Pro.

Attribute Type Description
mpan string The mpan for the associated meter
serial_number string The serial for the associated meter
is_export boolean Determines if the meter exports energy rather than imports
is_smart_meter boolean Determines if the meter is considered smart by Octopus Energy

Current Accumulative Cost#



This will only be available if you have specified you have an Octopus Home Mini. Do not set unless you have one.


An export equivalent of this sensor does not exist because the data is not available

The total cost for the current day, including the standing charge.

Attribute Type Description
mpan string The mpan for the associated meter
serial_number string The serial for the associated meter
is_export boolean Determines if the meter exports energy rather than imports
is_smart_meter boolean Determines if the meter is considered smart by Octopus Energy
tariff_code string The tariff that determined the cost
standing_charge float The standing charge included in the cost. This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01)
total_without_standing_charge float The total cost of the current day excluding the standing charge. This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01)
total float The total cost for the current day. This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01)
charges array Collection of consumption periods and costs for the current day broken down into 30 minute periods.

Each charge item has the following attributes

Attribute Type Description
start datetime The date/time when the consumption starts
end datetime The date/time when the consumption ends
rate float The rate the consumption is charged at. This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01)
consumption float The consumption value of the specified period
cost float The cost of the consumption at the specified rate. This is in pounds and pence (e.g. 1.01 = £1.01)


The following variants of the Current Accumulative Cost are available.

Off Peak#


The total cost reported by the meter for the current day during off peak hours (the lowest available rate).


This is only available when on a tariff with 2 or 3 unique rates during a given day.

If you switch to a tariff that meets this criteria, you will need to reload the integration to gain access to this entity.

If you switch to a tariff that no longer meets this criteria, the entity will no longer be updated. When you reload the integration, this entity will no longer be available.

This is disabled by default.


This will only be available if you have specified you have a Octopus Home Mini or have configured an Octopus Home Pro. Do not set unless you have one.


An export equivalent of this sensor does not exist because the data is not available



The total cost reported by the meter for the current day during standard hours (the middle rate).


This is only available when on a tariff with 2 or 3 unique rates during a given day.

If you switch to a tariff that meets this criteria, you will need to reload the integration to gain access to this entity.

If you switch to a tariff that no longer meets this criteria, the entity will no longer be updated. When you reload the integration, this entity will no longer be available.

This is disabled by default.


This will only be available if you have specified you have a Octopus Home Mini or have configured an Octopus Home Pro. Do not set unless you have one.


An export equivalent of this sensor does not exist because the data is not available



The total cost reported by the meter for the current day during peak hours (the highest available rate).


This is only available when on a tariff with 2 or 3 unique rates during a given day.

If you switch to a tariff that meets this criteria, you will need to reload the integration to gain access to this entity.

If you switch to a tariff that no longer meets this criteria, the entity will no longer be updated. When you reload the integration, this entity will no longer be available.

This is disabled by default.


This will only be available if you have specified you have a Octopus Home Mini or have configured an Octopus Home Pro. Do not set unless you have one.


An export equivalent of this sensor does not exist because the data is not available

Current Interval Accumulative Consumption#



This will only be available if you have specified you have an Octopus Home Mini. Do not set unless you have one.


This is disabled by default.

This will indicate the total accumulative consumption for the current 30 minute period (e.g. if it's 12:15 then this will represent 12:00 - 12:30). You can use this to compare the data with the saving session baseline sensor to see how on track you are during a saving session.


You can use the data_last_retrieved sensor to determine when the underlying data was last retrieved from the OE servers.