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There are a few services available within this integration, which are detailed here.

Target Rates#

The following services are available if you have set up at least one target rate.


For updating a given target rate's config. This allows you to change target rates sensors dynamically based on other outside criteria (e.g. you need to adjust the target hours to top up home batteries).

Attribute Optional Description
target.entity_id no The name of the target sensor whose configuration is to be updated.
data.target_hours yes The optional number of hours the target rate sensor should come on during a 24 hour period. Must be divisible by 0.5.
data.target_start_time yes The optional time the evaluation period should start. Must be in the format of HH:MM.
data.target_end_time yes The optional time the evaluation period should end. Must be in the format of HH:MM.
data.target_offset yes The optional offset to apply to the target rate when it starts. Must be in the format (+/-)HH:MM:SS.
data.target_minimum_rate yes The optional minimum rate the selected rates should not go below.
data.target_maximum_rate yes The optional maximum rate the selected rates should not go above.
data.target_weighting yes The optional weighting that should be applied to the selected rates.
data.persist_changes yes Determines if the changes should be persisted to the original configuration or should be temporary and reset upon integration reload. If not supplied, then the changes are temporary

Automation Example#

This can be used via automations in the following way. Assuming we have the following inputs.

    name: Octopus Energy Target Hours
    min: 0
    max: 24

  # From/to would ideally use input_datetime, but we need the time in a different format
    name: Octopus Energy Target From
    initial: "00:00"
    name: Octopus Energy Target To
    initial: "00:00"
    name: Octopus Energy Target Offset
    initial: "-00:00:00"

Then an automation might look like the following

mode: single
alias: Update target rate config
  - trigger: state
      - input_number.octopus_energy_target_hours
      - input_text.octopus_energy_target_from
      - input_text.octopus_energy_target_to
      - input_text.octopus_energy_target_offset
conditions: []
  - action: octopus_energy.update_target_config
      target_hours: >
        "{{ states('input_number.octopus_energy_target_hours') | string }}"
      target_start_time: >
        {{ states('input_text.octopus_energy_target_from') }}
      target_end_time: >
        {{ states('input_text.octopus_energy_target_to') }}
      target_offset: >
        {{ states('input_text.octopus_energy_target_offset') }}
      entity_id: binary_sensor.octopus_energy_target_example

Rolling Target Rates#

The following services are available if you have set up at least one rolling target rate.


For updating a given rolling target rate's config. This allows you to change rolling target rates sensors dynamically based on other outside criteria (e.g. you need to adjust the target hours to top up home batteries).

Attribute Optional Description
target.entity_id no The name of the target sensor whose configuration is to be updated.
data.target_hours yes The optional number of hours the target rate sensor should come on during a 24 hour period. Must be divisible by 0.5.
data.target_look_ahead_hours yes The optional number of hours worth of rates the sensor should look at for the evaluation period.
data.target_offset yes The optional offset to apply to the target rate when it starts. Must be in the format (+/-)HH:MM:SS.
data.target_minimum_rate yes The optional minimum rate the selected rates should not go below.
data.target_maximum_rate yes The optional maximum rate the selected rates should not go above.
data.target_weighting yes The optional weighting that should be applied to the selected rates.
data.persist_changes yes Determines if the changes should be persisted to the original configuration or should be temporary and reset upon integration reload. If not supplied, then the changes are temporary

Automation Example#

This can be used via automations in the following way. Assuming we have the following inputs.

    name: Octopus Energy Rolling Target Hours
    min: 0
    max: 24
    name: Octopus Energy Rolling Target Look Ahead Hours
    min: 0
    max: 24

    name: Octopus Energy Target Offset
    initial: "-00:00:00"

Then an automation might look like the following

mode: single
alias: Update target rate config
  - trigger: state
      - input_number.octopus_energy_rolling_target_hours
      - input_number.octopus_energy_rolling_target_look_ahead_hours
      - input_text.octopus_energy_target_offset
conditions: []
  - action: octopus_energy.update_target_config
      target_hours: >
        "{{ states('input_number.octopus_energy_target_hours') | string }}"
      target_look_ahead_hours: >
        "{{ states('input_number.octopus_energy_rolling_target_look_ahead_hours') | string }}"
      target_offset: >
        {{ states('input_text.octopus_energy_target_offset') }}
      entity_id: binary_sensor.octopus_energy_rolling_target_example


The following services are available if your account is enrolled into Octoplus.


Service for joining a new saving session event. When used, it may take a couple of minutes for the other sensors to refresh the changes.

Attribute Optional Description
target.entity_id no The name of the target sensor whose configuration is to be updated. This should always point at the saving session events entity.
data.event_code no The code of the event to join

Automation Example#

For an automation example, please refer to the available blueprint.


Allows you to redeem a certain number of of Octoplus points and convert them into account credit.


This service is only available if you have signed up to Octoplus

Attribute Optional Description
target.entity_id no The name of the Octoplus points that hold the points to be redeemed. This should always point at one of the octoplus points sensor entities.
data.points_to_redeem no The number of points to redeem.

Automation Example#

For automation examples, please refer to the available blueprints.

Wheel of fortune#


This service allows the user to perform a spin on the wheel of fortune that is awarded to users every month. No point letting them go to waste :)


Due to an ongoing issue with the underlying API, this will not award octopoints if used. If you are on Octoplus, it is advised not to use this service.

Attribute Optional Description
target.entity_id no The name of the wheel of fortune sensor that represents the type of spin to be made. This should always point at one of the wheel of fortune sensors entities.

Automation Example#

For automation examples, please refer to the available blueprints.

Cost Trackers#

The following services are available if you have set up at least one cost tracker.


This service allows the user to turn the tracking on/off for a given cost tracker sensor.

Attribute Optional Description
target.entity_id no The name of the cost tracker sensor(s) whose configuration is to be updated.
data.is_tracking_enabled no Determines if tracking should be enabled (true) or disabled (false) for the specified cost trackers

Automation Example#

For automation examples, please refer to the available blueprints.


Resets a given cost tracker sensor back to zero before it's normal reset time.

Attribute Optional Description
target.entity_id no The name of the cost tracker sensor(s) that should be reset.


Allows you to adjust the cost/consumption for any given date recorded by an accumulative cost tracker sensor (e.g. week or month).

Attribute Optional Description
target.entity_id no The name of the cost tracker sensor(s) that should be updated (e.g. sensor.octopus_energy_cost_tracker_{{COST_TRACKER_NAME}}_week or sensor.octopus_energy_cost_tracker_{{COST_TRACKER_NAME}}_month). no The date of the data within the cost tracker to be adjusted.
data.consumption no The new consumption recorded against the specified date.
data.cost no The new cost recorded against the specified date.


Allows you to adjust the consumption for any given period recorded by a cost tracker sensor representing today.

Attribute Optional Description
target.entity_id no The name of the cost tracker sensor(s) that should be updated (e.g. sensor.octopus_energy_cost_tracker_{{COST_TRACKER_NAME}}). no The date of the data within the cost tracker to be adjusted.
data.consumption no The new consumption recorded against the specified date.

Heat Pump#

The following services are available if you have a heat pump registered against your account.


Allows you to boost a given heat pump zone for a set amount of time.

Attribute Optional Description
target.entity_id no The name of the heat pump zone boost mode should be applied to (e.g. climate.octopus_energy_heat_pump_{{HEAT_PUMP_ID}}_{{ZONE_CODE}}).
data.hours no The number of hours to turn boost mode on for. This can be between 0 and 12.
data.minutes no The number of minutes to turn boost mode on for. This can be 0, 15, or 45.
data.target_temperature yes The optional target temperature to boost to. If not supplied, then the current target temperature will be used.


If you boost and a target temperature is both not provided and not defined on the sensor itself, then a default value will be set. This will be 50 degrees C for water zones and 30 degrees C for all other zones.


Allows you to set the heat pump configuration for fixed and weather compensated flow temperatures, with the option to select which is active.


Changing this configuration without a good understanding of heat loss and emitter output can cause cycling, defrosting, or incorrect heat delivery.

Attribute Optional Description
target.entity_id no Any climate entity belonging to the heat pump which the configuration should be applied to (e.g. climate.octopus_energy_heat_pump_{{HEAT_PUMP_ID}}_{{ZONE_CODE}}).
data.weather_comp_enabled no Switches weather compensation on or off.
data.weather_comp_min_temperature no Minimum allowable temperature for weather compensation, typically no lower than 30.
data.weather_comp_max_temperature no Maximum allowable temperature for weather compensation, typically no higher than 70.
data.fixed_flow_temperature no If a fixed flow temperature is enabled this value will be used, typically between 30 and 70.


The following services are available if you are on an intelligent tariff.


Refreshes intelligent dispatches for a given account.


This service is only available if you have switched to manual polling in your configuration.


This service can only be called once every minute to a maximum of 20 times per hour.

Attribute Optional Description
target.entity_id no The dispatching entity that you want to refresh the content for (e.g. binary_sensor.octopus_energy_{{ACCOUNT_ID}}_intelligent_dispatching).

Automation Example#

The below example is how you might refresh the dispatches when you car is plugged in, or every 3 minutes when your car is plugged in. Please note that the entity binary_sensor.car_is_plugged_in is not provided by the integration and should be replaced by an external source (e.g. the plug status from the MyEnergi integration or a manual input switch that you switch on manually when you plug in your car).


There is a chance that the automation may fail due to the service call limit when the car is plugged in

mode: single
alias: Refresh intelligent dispatches
  - trigger: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.car_is_plugged_in
    to: on
  # Refresh every 3 minutes in case the schedule has changed
  - trigger: time_pattern
    minutes: /3
  - condition: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.car_is_plugged_in
    state: on
  # Wait 30 seconds to give OE a chance to update the dispatches
  - delay: 00:00:30
  - action: octopus_energy.refresh_intelligent_dispatches
      entity_id: binary_sensor.octopus_energy_{{ACCOUNT_ID}}_intelligent_dispatching



For removing all external statistics that are associated with meters that don't have an active tariff. This is useful if you've been using the integration and obtained new smart meters.


For refreshing the consumption/cost information for a given previous consumption entity. This is useful when you've just installed the integration and want old data brought in or a previous consumption sensor fails to import (e.g. data becomes available outside of the configured offset). The service will raise a notification when the refreshing starts and finishes.

This service is only available for the following sensors

  • sensor.octopus_energy_electricity_{{METER_SERIAL_NUMBER}}_{{MPAN_NUMBER}}_previous_accumulative_consumption (this will populate both consumption and cost)
  • sensor.octopus_energy_gas_{{METER_SERIAL_NUMBER}}_{{MPRN_NUMBER}}_previous_accumulative_consumption_m3 (this will populate both consumption and cost for both m3 and kwh)


Allows you to configure weightings against rates at given times using factors external to the integration. These are applied when calculating target rates or rolling target rates.

Rate weightings are added to any existing rate weightings that have been previously configured. Any rate weightings that are more than 24 hours old are removed. Any rate weightings for periods that have been previously configured are overridden.

Attribute Optional Description
target.entity_id no The name of the electricity current rate sensor for the rates the weighting should be applied to (e.g. sensor.octopus_energy_electricity_{{METER_SERIAL_NUMBER}}_{{MPAN_NUMBER}}_current_rate).
data.weightings no The collection of weightings to add. Each item in the array should represent a given 30 minute period. Example array is [{ "start": "2025-01-01T00:00:00Z", "end": "2025-01-01T00:30:00Z", "weighting": 0.1 }]

Automation Example#

This automation adds weightings based on the national grids carbon intensity, as provided by Carbon Intensity.

- alias: Carbon Intensity Rate Weightings
  - trigger: state
    entity_id: event.carbon_intensity_national_current_day_rates
  - action: octopus_energy.register_rate_weightings
      entity_id: sensor.octopus_energy_electricity_xxx_xxx_current_rate
      weightings: >
        {% set forecast = state_attr('event.carbon_intensity_national_current_day_rates', 'rates') + state_attr('event.carbon_intensity_national_next_day_rates', 'rates') %}
        {% set ns = namespace(list = [])  %}   {%- for a in forecast -%} 
          {%- set ns.list = ns.list + [{ "start": a.from.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), "end":'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), "weighting": a.intensity_forecast | float }] -%} 
        {%- endfor -%} {{ ns.list }}